The PassMassAmendment “Statehouse Team” meets regularly at the Statehouse during formal sessions to inform Legislators about the PassMassAmendment Bills, and the progress being made to get BIG $$$ Out of our Elections.
More info:
Nick Bokron
PMA State House liaison
781 715 7822
Be a part of the PMA SHAWG (State House Action Working Group)
The PMA State House Action Working Group (SHAWG) meets monthly in the MA State House to advocate and promote PMA's mission and to support companion legislation, such as H63 (previously H933). (see links below)*
Our last statehouse day! Standing room only at Senate President Rosenberg's office!
All are welcome to join this newly forming WG, meet with legislators, call and write in support of our mission - to get the corrupting influence of BIG $$$ out of our political process!
- H63 (previously H933): “Corporations Are Not People, Money Is Not Speech”
- HD2350 : limiting political contributions from non-Massachusetts-residents.
- HD3070: requires disclosure of all original sources of political contributions, or a disclaimer is added to all advertisements that foreign nationals are most likely funding this advertisement.
See link for the JOINT SESSION CALENDAR. When the Constitutional Convention is posted it'll be posted here:
Please RSVP to, if you intend to join PMA at the State House.
Thank you for being a part of this critical grassroots movement,
“Corporations are not People. Money is not Speech.”